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Raimon Panikkar Prize call for applications

The Raimon Panikkar Prize is an international award instituted by Fundació Vivarium Raimon Panikkar in the centenary of his birth, with the aim of spreading his thought and promoting its study.

Fundació Vivarium Raimon Panikkar, is a non-profit organization founded by Raimon Panikkar himself for promoting interreligious studies. It is the legacy of the Foundation to pursue the aims of its Founder by completing the publication of his writings and fostering the continuation of his studies.

This prize will be awarded to young authors of an original, unpublished study on the thought and works of Raimon Panikkar, written in one of the languages in which Raimon Panikkar’s collective works (Opera Omnia) are being published, or German (although the Opera Omnia is not being published in this language yet). There will be one prize for each of the languages. Each prize is sponsored by Fundació Vivarium Raimon Panikkar in partnership with the publishing house of the
relative Opera Omnia edition.

Each prize will consist in:
• the publication of the study
• the gift of one copy of the complete set (18 volumes) of Raimon Panikkar’s Opera Omnia
• a cash prize of 3,000 euros.

Please see the attached PDFs for more details:

Panikkar Poster 2022

Call for Applications

SACP Announcements

Dear Members of the SACP,

I have a few important announcements, made on behalf of the Board of the SACP.

  1. In light of uncertainty about the direction of the pandemic, the 52nd annual meeting of the SACP will be postponed again until October 2023.
  2. Because this is the second postponement, we ask that anyone interested in presenting at the October 2023 meeting submit NEW abstracts by 1 February 2023, even if you wish to speak on the same topic for which you previously submitted an abstract.
  3. The 52nd annual meeting of the SACP will still be hosted by the University of San Francisco, on the theme of “One and Many,” with keynote speaker Hei-sook Kim (Ewha Womans University).
  4. My term as President ends this year (December 2021). As per the SACP bylaws, our current Vice President, Sarah Flavel, will automatically become President (1 January 2022).
  5. Finally, let us stress again that the president and other members of the SACP Board will NEVER ask you individually for money, gift cards, or credit card numbers. If you are in doubt about the authenticity of any personal email message or text, ask to speak to the person in question via phone or video chat to confirm their identity. (Read up on “phishing” if you are not already familiar with this con.)

Thank you to everyone for your help and support during my term as President!

Best wishes,

Bryan (on behalf of the Board)


Job Posting: CSU Stanislaus

SACP members may be interested in the following job search at California State University, Stanislaus.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY: The Philosophy Program invites applications for a tenure-track position in Philosophy at the rank of Assistant Professor. AOS: Eastern Philosophy. AOC: Philosophy of Nature, Environmental Ethics, or Continental Philosophy. Course preparations to include some combination of Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to Critical Thinking, and Contemporary Moral Issues; upper division course preparations to include Eastern Philosophy, Introduction to Continental Philosophy, Nature Revisited, and Environmental Ethics. This position requires a strong commitment to faculty service, ongoing research, and responsive teaching methods and practices in support of student success.

Call for Papers: Religions of Asia 2022 AAR Western Region Annual Conference

2022 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Western Region
March 18-20, 2022
University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

Religions of Asia 

Promoting inclusivity and excellence in scholarship, this section invites individual papers from a variety of religious and cultural traditions that explore all aspects of Religions of Asia. This year, we are especially interested in papers related to the conference’s 2022 theme: “Grace, Mercy, and Atonement: Exploring Artistic, Ritual and Social Action through Forgiveness.” For example, how have religions/religious people/religious leaders responded or how are they responding to the tumultuous social and political circumstances of their own times and ours? How have religions of Asia addressed issues of social and economic justice in the past and fostered forgiveness and reconciliation and how might they fruitfully do so in our time?  In what ways do religions of Asia and marginalization (whether based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or other characteristics) intersect, both positively and negatively? How do religions of Asia employ notions related to forgiveness, grace, mercy, and/or atonement and their relationship to social action? What is or might be the role of religions of Asia in addressing social and/or economic inequality and mutual flourishing? We encourage the submission of papers that utilize interdisciplinary and nontraditional approaches to research. Other topics and themes of interest to the Religions of Asia group include: ways in which Asian religions interacts with art, music, material culture, and ideology; the nature of religious experience; gender and religion; climate change and sustainability; and storytelling and oral tradition. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2021. Please send 250 word abstracts as email attachments to Nancy Martin and Adam Tyson along with completed program participant forms, available at  Participants at AARWR must be members of the AAR. AAR membership information can be found here: We look forward to receiving your proposals.

ISCP Summer 2022

Courtesy announcement on behalf of the ISCP Executive Director, Professor Ann Pang-White

International Society for Chinese Philosophy Summer 2022 ISCP Shanghai International Conference

We all truly look forward to the Summer 2022 ISCP Shanghai International Conference (postponed from 2021 due to Covid-19) as opportunities to learn from one another and making personal connections. However, considering the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, the difficulty and safety of international travelling (visa, pre-boarding test, quarantine, flight availability and high cost associated with it, etc.), in consultation with the hosting university (East China Normal University), the board has approved holding the conference with a hybrid platform — virtual and in person concurrently. For participants within the Mainland China and scholars outside of China who can and would like to travel to Shanghai, they certainly can participate the conference in person. For those who prefer to participate virtually, they can do so.

The conference registration fee will be lowered because of this new hybrid format. For non-ISCP members, the conference registration fee will be US$50 (approx. RMB300¥); for ISCP members whose dues are paid up to date, it will be free. We encourage current members to renew their membership and interested colleagues to join ISCP to take advantage of this generous offer.

With this new hybrid platform, we also hope more scholars will consider submitting individual abstract or panel proposals for the conference. The submission deadline is DECEMBER 31, 2021.

General timeline remains the same:
Deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals: December 31, 2021
Conference Registration: January 1- May 1, 2022
Communication of acceptance: by February 1, 2022

With warmest regards,

Ann A. Pang-White
Executive Director of ISCP
Visit us:

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