New College of Florida is searching for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor of Philosophy with expertise in early modern European philosophy and at least one non-European philosophical tradition (see below).
NCF also has a full-time tenure-track opening in Medical Humanities which could be of interest to philosophers.
The Division of Humanities at New College of Florida invites applications for a tenure -track position in History of Philosophy beginning August 2019. AOS: History of philosophy, with expertise in early modern European philosophy and at least one non-European philosophical tradition. AOC: Medieval philosophy.
This position is one of 10 new faculty lines for 2019, and part of an exciting campus-growth initiative funded by the State of Florida (see
Diversity Statement: New College is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty. Candidates from underrepresented groups, women, and those whose knowledge or skills support an inclusive culture and learning environment are especially encouraged to apply.
Teaching and Scholarship Expectations: The teaching load is two courses per semester plus sponsoring individual and group tutorials. In addition to classes and tutorials, faculty members provide academic advising, supervise independent study projects, sponsor senior undergraduate theses/projects, and serve on baccalaureate committees. The successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain a program of research or creative work. We are particularly interested in candidates who have a demonstrated commitment to innovative undergraduate liberal arts teaching.
Our new colleague will teach Modern Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy regularly, and we look forward to adding substantial offerings outside of European philosophical traditions.
New College offers a Philosophy major as well as opportunities for combined majors. Many students across the college take several philosophy courses. Our program stresses both historical grounding and familiarity with recent philosophy in both the analytic and European continental traditions, and the development of students’ own perspectives in effective philosophical thinking and writing. Current faculty have strengths in history of philosophy, epistemology, ethics and political philosophy, aesthetics, and feminist philosophy. Institutional support for Philosophy now allows us to add a fourth full-time tenure-line position and to extend our course offerings and research expertise beyond European traditions for the first time.
Our new colleague will join us in developing our expanded curriculum, taking the lead in their areas of expertise. We welcome diverse perspectives in philosophy, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. An early modernist, for example, will find ready colleagues in our Medieval/Renaissance program (which hosts a large international conference biannually), and someone working outside the European tradition will find colleagues in multiple fields across the college. New College’s universal senior thesis requirement puts us in position to work with interesting, engaged students on extensive (year-long) advanced projects. Faculty also regularly interact with students in tutorials and extracurricular activities.
About New College: Situated on the Gulf Coast of Florida and Sarasota Bay, New College is a nationally recognized, selective public honors college with an 10:1 student/faculty ratio. Students are intellectually independent and highly motivated. Undergraduate research has a central role in the curriculum, and a senior thesis/project is required of all students. Students receive narrative evaluations in lieu of grades. New College is committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching and research and encourages collaborative student-faculty scholarship.
Application: Interested candidates should apply online at, and should provide curriculum vitae, and a unofficial graduate transcript. In addition, provide (via email to Prof.s Aron Edidin and April Flakne at 1) letter of application, 2) a statement of teaching philosophy, 3) a statement regarding the candidate’s contributions or approaches to supporting an inclusive culture and learning environment, 4)three brief course descriptions, including a course in Modern Philosophy and one in a non-European area, 5) writing sample or reference to web page with samples, and 6) three letters of recommendation, including at least one that addresses teaching. Deadline: December 1, 2018. According to Florida law, applications and meetings regarding applications are open to the public upon request. Applicants who need reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the selection process must notify the chair of the search committee 48 hours in advance of a meeting. New College is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution.