Category: Call for Papers (Page 11 of 19)

51st SACP Call for Abstracts (Feb. 15, 2019)

Dear SACP members,

We hope your beginning of the semester has been moving smoothly.

The deadline for the submission for our 51st annual conference is fast approaching. In order to have more people participate in the conference, the deadline for the submission of proposals and Graduate Students Essay contest has been extended to February 15, 2019.

Erin McCarthy (St. Laurence University) has graciously agreed to deliver a keynote speech.

Call for paper is attached below.

Also refer to our conference website:


Call for Paper

The 51st Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy ( will be held in collaboration with the 5th Bath Spa Colloquium for Global Philosophy and Religion at Bath Spa University in UK (

We invite individual and panel proposals related to the conference theme, Arts of Understanding. The SACP board especially welcomes diverse approaches to the conference topic from different philosophical traditions. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to submit proposals that correspond to their special areas of interest so long as they engage in some way with Asian and/or Comparative philosophies.

Submission of the proposals: Proposals should be sent electronically to the Secretary of the Society, Marzenna Jakubczak, at Proposal should have a filename that begins with the presenter’s last name and closes with the name of our organization and the year of the conference, e.g., ‘Berger–SACP 2019’.

Individual proposal should include: (1) title and a 300 word abstract; (2) presenter’s name, (3) institutional affiliation, and (4) email address.

Panel proposal should include: (1) title and a 300 word description of the panel; (2) title and a 300 word abstract of each paper; (3) name, institutional affiliation, and email address of all the participants.

The deadline for submission is January 31, 2019. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be emailed at the beginning of March 2019, with instructions for how to register and submit the US$160 conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear at the Society’s conference website.

Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP continues the tradition of Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards for this conference. Student Essay Contest Prizes are: US$1,000 for First prize, US$750 for Second prize, and US$500 for Third prize. The awards are given in order to assist with the travel and accommodation expenses for those winners who attend and present their work at the 2019 SACP conference only. Graduate students who wish their papers to be considered for these prizes must submit a complete essay of no more than 4,000 words and a 300 word abstract to Marzenna Jakubczak at

2019 SACP Conference Organizing Committee

  • Jin Y. Park, American University (President)
  • Bryan van Norden, Yale-NUS College (Vice-President)
  • Marzenna Jakubczak, Pedagogical University of Cracow (Secretary)
  • Geoffrey Ashton, University of San Francisco (Treasurer)
  • Sarah Flavel, Bath Spa University (Local Organizer)
  • Amy Donahue, Kennesaw State University (Board Member)
  • Peter Hershock, East-West Center (Board Member)
  • Haiming Wen, Renmin University (Board Member)

CFP: Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II


SACP panel at

Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II:

Critical Race, Feminist, & Continental Philosophy Conference

George Washington University, Washington DC JUNE 3-5, 2019

We are pleased to announce that the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) will participate in the second Diverse Lineages of Existentialism conference that will take place at George Washington University, Washington DC, June 3-5, 2019. For details about the conference, visit the conference website:

We invite submissions that explore topics related to existentialism and diversity in Asian and comparative philosophy, including: (1) existential dimensions of Asian philosophy: How are self and other defined in Asian philosophy? How are human conditions understood in Asian philosophy? What are their promises and limitations? How are Asian forms of existentialism distinctive from other existential traditions? Is there tension between the two? (2) diversity: How does Asian philosophy engage with or hinder diversity? Are there Asian philosophical traditions that are conducive to the encouragement of diversity? How is conformism understood in Asian philosophical traditions in individual and socio-political contexts and how do Asian philosophers respond to it? What would be Asian and comparative philosophy’s contribution to the current discourse on diversity? (3) How do Asian and comparative philosophy deal with gender, power, human frailty, a remedy for human weakness, and lived experience?

Submit your proposal that includes: (1) Title of your paper; (2) Name, Institutional affiliation, position, and email address; (3) 300 word abstract to Jin Y. Park ( by October 15, 2018.


CFP: SACP at APA Pacific, Apr. 17-20, 2019


APA Pacific Division, 2019
Westin Bayshore, Vancouver CANADA, April 17-20, 2019

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Pacific Division Meeting.  Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered.  Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract

REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Title of each Paper
  3. Name of each Presenter
  4. Affiliation of each Presenter
  5. E-mail address of each Presenter
  6. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  7. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

Please send each completed proposal as an e-mail attachment to Jim Behuniak ( by September 20th, 2018.  Please note this deadline, as the APA awards panel sessions on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Thank you.

APA Pacific Vancouver CFP 2019 (PDF)

CFP: SACP at APA Central, Feb. 20-23, 2019

SACP Sessions at the Central Division,
American Philosophical Association
February 20-23, 2019

The Westin Downtown Denver
1672 Lawrence Street
Denver, Colorado 80202
United States

Greetings Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) Colleagues,

SACP is affiliated with the American Philosophical Association (APA) and we plan to offer two sessions for scholarly presentations and papers at the annual meeting of the Central Division of the APA.

We are accepting individual paper proposals that will later be grouped into a panel if possible, and entire panel proposals, typically with three or at most four presenters.

Please submit your paper proposal (your name, the title of the paper, and an abstract of 250-300 words)


panel proposal (your name and the names of the panelists; the title of the panel, and the abstract of the panel in 250 words; the title of each individual paper plus an abstract of 200 words for each paper)


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CFP: SACP at APA Eastern Division, January, 7-10, 2019


2019 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
January, 7-10th, 2019. Sheraton New York Times Square, New York, NY.

Submission deadline: June 10th, 2018

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) group sessions at the 2018 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA).

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our panels at the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome.

Individual paper abstracts should be 200-300 words in length and complete panel abstracts should include a 150 word introduction to the theme of the panel, complete with panel title, along with 200-300 word abstracts for each of the papers.  Please include presenter’s name(s), email(s), and institution(s).

Information about the SACP can be found on our website at

Guidelines for paper/abstract submission:

  1. We encourage submission of either individual papers or full panel proposals, on any topic in Asian and/or Comparative Philosophy. All paper and panel proposals will be considered.
  2. Feel free to submit a longer abstract (300-500 words) or to include a completed paper with your abstract. The presentation time for each paper will be between 20 and 30 minutes.
  3. Please let us know if you are simultaneously submitting a separate proposal to other Asian philosophy groups for the same APA meeting. We give preference to single submissions.
  4. Membership of the SACP is not required for consideration or acceptance, but we ask that you be a current SACP member by the time we submit the session information to the APA.

Paper or abstract submissions (with your full name/affiliation/contact information) and any questions should be sent electronically to Sarah Mattice at



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