Category: Call for Papers (Page 16 of 19)

CFP: SACP at APA Central

SACP Sessions at the Central Division, American Philosophical Association
March 1-4, 2017

Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center
Kansas City, MO
United States

I would like to invite your group to request sessions at the 2017 APA Central Division meeting, which will be held at the Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center, Kansas City, MO, March 1-4, 2017. Initial requests are due by August 5, 2016, and I will need full program information by October 1, 2016.

PROPOSALS: SACP members are invited to submit an individual paper or a full panel proposal by providing the following information.

1) Name of panel topic and/or individual papers/presentations.
2) Name of individual presenter (each presenter in the case of a panel) with institutional affiliation, phone, fax, and e-mail address.
3) Abstract of individual paper of no more than 200 words. A panel abstract should contain general theme of the panel and basic focus of each component paper.
4) In the case of panels, provide name and the following information on Panel Chair/Organizer and any Discussant: institutional affiliation, phone, fax, and e-mail address.

Send proposals by email on or before Monday, September 15, 2016 to the address below.

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CFP: 2016 AAR Annual Meeting at San Antonio

SACP Call for Papers
2016 AAR Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
November 19-22, 2016

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy is affiliated with the AAR as the “Related Scholarly Organization,” and we are invited to offer panels at the annual meeting.

Traditionally, the SACP has offered two panels at each annual meeting. I therefore invite you to submit your proposal for this year’s AAR meeting.

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CFP APA Eastern

2017 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association

January 4-7, 2016, Baltimore, MD

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our panels at the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome. Paper abstracts should be 150-200 words in length and complete panel abstracts should include a 150 word introduction to the theme of the panel, complete with panel title, along with 150 word abstracts for each of the papers.  Please include presenter’s name(s), email(s), and institution(s). No simultaneous submissions, please.

Please send these materials no later than May 7th to Sarah Mattice at

CFP Deadline Extended: SACP 48th Annual Conference – Imagination

Dear SACP Members,

I am writing to inform you that we extended the due date for abstracts and panel proposals until February 15, 2016 (one month from today). The SACP conference on ‘Imagination’ will take place at the East West Center on the University of Hawai’i (Manoa) campus from June 2 through June 5. I hope to see you all in Hawai’i!

Happy New Year,

Mary I. Bockover
SACP Secretary

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