Category: Call for Papers (Page 6 of 19)

Call for Papers: Religions of Asia 2022 AAR Western Region Annual Conference

2022 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Western Region
March 18-20, 2022
University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

Religions of Asia 

Promoting inclusivity and excellence in scholarship, this section invites individual papers from a variety of religious and cultural traditions that explore all aspects of Religions of Asia. This year, we are especially interested in papers related to the conference’s 2022 theme: “Grace, Mercy, and Atonement: Exploring Artistic, Ritual and Social Action through Forgiveness.” For example, how have religions/religious people/religious leaders responded or how are they responding to the tumultuous social and political circumstances of their own times and ours? How have religions of Asia addressed issues of social and economic justice in the past and fostered forgiveness and reconciliation and how might they fruitfully do so in our time?  In what ways do religions of Asia and marginalization (whether based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or other characteristics) intersect, both positively and negatively? How do religions of Asia employ notions related to forgiveness, grace, mercy, and/or atonement and their relationship to social action? What is or might be the role of religions of Asia in addressing social and/or economic inequality and mutual flourishing? We encourage the submission of papers that utilize interdisciplinary and nontraditional approaches to research. Other topics and themes of interest to the Religions of Asia group include: ways in which Asian religions interacts with art, music, material culture, and ideology; the nature of religious experience; gender and religion; climate change and sustainability; and storytelling and oral tradition. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2021. Please send 250 word abstracts as email attachments to Nancy Martin and Adam Tyson along with completed program participant forms, available at  Participants at AARWR must be members of the AAR. AAR membership information can be found here: We look forward to receiving your proposals.

CFP: ethics of technology and intercultural philosophy

Dear all,

On January 27 and 28, 2022, there will be an international online conference on Intercultural Ethics, with a specific focus on the ethics of technology and intercultural philosophy. Our aim is to bring together the ethical approaches and frameworks from various cultural backgrounds and traditions, in order to organize an intercultural ethical dialogue, especially on (but not limited to) technology and its social and cultural implications.

The conference will be organized by the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies research program: a 10-year program in which 5 universities collaborate to investigate how new and emerging technologies challenge our ethical frameworks and approaches (for more information: see It will be hosted from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. The conference intends to bring together scholars in intercultural philosophy, intercultural ethics, and the ethics and philosophy of technology. In a two-day event we will explore the value and challenges of an intercultural ethical approach to the profound implications of technology for human beings and societies.

Confirmed keynote speaker: Beatrice Okyere-Manu (more keynote speakers will be announced soon!)

We welcome abstract submissions for individual papers and panels:

  • Paper abstracts: 250 words, up to three keywords, and a 250-word bio of the presenter
  • Panel proposals: up to 4 abstracts of 250 words and 3 keywords each; a general panel description (200 words); and a 250-word bio of the presenter.
  • Workshops (sessions with an active role for all participants): description of 500 words.

Important Dates

  • September 22, 2021: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • October 12, 2021: Notification of acceptance

Registration and Fees 

  • Bachelor/Master/PhD students: €25
  • General: €75
  • People from low and middle-income countries: €25

For further questions you can contact Michelle de Boer, project manager Society & Technology via

We really hope you will join, and we are looking forward to your submissions!

Best regards, on behalf of the organizing committee,

Peter-Paul Verbeek (conference chair)
Michelle de Boer (conference manager)

CFP: SACP at APA Pacific 2022 (Vancouver, BC)

SACP: Papers and Panels
APA Pacific Division, 2022
Vancouver, BC (Westin Bayshore), CANADA
April 13-April 16, 2022

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Pacific Division Meeting.  Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered.  Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Indicate whether you are willing to Chair your panel
  6. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract

REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Chair of the Panel
  3. Title of each Paper
  4. Name of each Presenter
  5. Affiliation of each Presenter
  6. E-mail address of each Presenter
  7. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  8. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

Please send each completed proposal as an e-mail attachment to Anand Vaidya, with subject heading: SACP PACFIC PROPOSAL, address:

Due Date: September 10, 2021.  Please note that this is an earlier-than-usual deadline, as the APA is now awarding sessions on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Ethics in Asian Philosophical Traditions – Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

Ethics in Asian Philosophical Traditions
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice encourages submissions on non-western philosophical traditions, especially those that interface contemporary ethics and Asian philosophies. This is part of the editorial team’s ongoing efforts to expand the journal’s repertoire of traditions, ideas and approaches beyond what is typically considered to be mainstream ethical and practical philosophy, and to foster dialogue and engagement across cultures and methodologies. We also invite proposals for book reviews as well as for special issues that engage Asian philosophical traditions. Proposals for special issues are evaluated twice a year through our regular selection process, with deadlines on October 1 and April 1.

Our previous call for Special Issues can be found here:

For more information about the journal, please visit

SACP at AAR, Nov. 2021

SACP Call for Papers

2021 AAR Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
November 20-23, 2021

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites you to submit your paper proposal for the AAR annual meeting 2021.

The SACP will host at least one panel this year. The panel will be scheduled on Saturday or Sunday (11/20 or 21) following the morning program, 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m.

Depending on the number of proposals, a second panel may be added in the evening on Saturday or Sunday (11/20 or 21), 7-8:30 p.m.

As for the topic of the paper proposal, please note that we will take into consideration the relevance of the topic to the vital issues that concern the health and wellbeing of the planet and life. If you take a tradition-oriented approach, we welcome an “intercultural” perspective, in which an insight of a single tradition is placed in conversation with the concerns of the day. The deadline of the submission of your proposal is June 30 (Wednesday), 2021.

* * *

Please submit your

paper proposal (your name, e-mail, title of the paper, and an abstract of 200-250 words)

Dr. Michiko Yusa (
Deadline for submission: June 30, 2021

(posted June 4, 2021)

View PDF: CFP SACP at AAR 2021

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