Category: Call for Papers (Page 9 of 19)

CFP: SACP at AAR 2020


SACP Call for Papers
2020 AAR Annual Meeting, Boston
November 21-34, 2020

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites you to submit your paper or panel proposal for the AAR annual meeting 2020.

The SACP will host at least one panel at this year’s AAR meeting. The panel will be scheduled on Saturday (11/21) in the morning, before the start of the official AAR program. Depending on the number of proposals, a second panel will be added back to back to the first SACP panel.

As for the topic of the paper or panel proposal, it is wide open. We will take into account the relevance of the topic to the vital issues that concern our very survival on this planet. We also welcome an “intercultural” perspective incorporated into your proposal, rather than a proposal that dwells on the technical exegesis of a single tradition. The deadline of the submission of your proposal is March 31, 2020.

*  *  *

Please submit your

paper proposal (your name, the title of the paper, and an abstract of 250-300 words)


panel proposal (your name and the names of the panelists; the title of the panel, and the abstract of the panel in 250 words; the title of each individual paper plus an abstract of 200 words for each paper)


Dr. Michiko Yusa (

Deadline for the submission: March 31, 2020


SACP Call for Papers 2020

CFP: Panikkar Symposium at AAR 2020


Call for Papers

SACP Raimon Panikkar Symposium on Diatopical Hermeneutics

AAR Boston, November 20, 2020

At the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Boston, the SACP will host the annual symposium on Raimon Panikkar and his intercultural-intrareligious thought. This symposium, offered in addition to the regular SACP panel(s), has been made possible by private donations. It will take place on November 20 (Friday), the day before the beginning of the official AAR program in order to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Last year in San Diego, we looked into the traditional wisdom that may ground us face the issue of climate change, which continues to be one of the vital issues of us all. We still seek to formulate a SACP resolution that has a practical bearing upon our professional responsibility.

This year, we will examine the fundamental importance of “hermeneutics” in our profession, and especially focus on the significance of Panikkar’s Diatopical Hermeneutics” as a practical tool for reaching better understanding not only of oneself, but of one another, and of intercultural realities of our time, which cannot be divorced from their historical roots.

We hope that our sustained endeavor may produce yet another book, as the symposium has already resulted in a significant contribution to the field: Raimon Panikkar: A Companion (Cambridge: James Clark, 2018), ed., Peter Phan & Young-chan Ro.

Please submit your proposal of 200-300 words to Dr. Michiko Yusa at The deadline for the submission is March 31, 2020.  


CFP: Panikkar Symposium at AAR 2020 (WORD document)

CFP: SACP 52nd Annual Conference 2020

Call for Papers

*Please note that this post has been updated to reflect our move to Autumn 2022*

*Exact dates are subject to change. Check back for updates.*

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy
52nd Annual Conference
October, 2022
University of San Francisco, USA

Due date for Proposal submission: February 01, 2022

The 52nd annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy ( will be held at the University of San Francisco, USA.

We invite individual and panel proposals related to the conference theme, One and Many. The SACP board especially welcomes diverse approaches to the conference topic from different philosophical traditions. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to submit proposals that correspond to their special areas of interest so long as they engage in some way with Asian and/or Comparative philosophies.

Submission of the proposals: Proposals should be sent electronically to the Secretary of the Society, Chiara Robbiano, at Proposal should have a filename that begins with the presenter’s last name and closes with the name of our organization and the year of the conference, e.g., ‘Berger–SACP 2020’.

Individual proposal should include: (1) title and a 300-word abstract; (2) presenter’s name, (3) institutional affiliation, and (4) email address.

Panel proposal should include: (1) title and a 300-word description of the panel; (2) title and a 300-word abstract of each paper; (3) name, institutional affiliation, and email address of all the participants.

The deadline for submission is February 15, 2020. Notice of the acceptance of proposals will be emailed at the beginning of March 2020, with instructions for how to register and submit the US$160 conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear at the Society’s conference website:

Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP continues the tradition of Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards for this conference. Student Essay Contest Prizes are: US$1,000 for First prize, US$750 for Second prize, and US$500 for Third prize. The awards are given in order to assist with the travel and accommodation expenses for those winners who attend and present their work at the 2020 SACP conference only. Graduate students who wish their papers to be considered for these prizes must submit a blind copy of a complete essay of no more than 4,000 words (footnotes and bibliography, included; and a 300 word abstract excluded) as an attachment to Chiara Robbiano, at (the name of the document should be the same as the title of your essay), by February 15 2020.

Click here for a downloadable PDF


CFP for APA Central Division Meeting in Chicago IL


APA Central Division, 2020
February 26-29, 2020, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Central Division Meeting. Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered. Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Indicate whether you are willing to Chair your panel
  6. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract

REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Chair of the Panel
  3. Title of each Paper
  4. Name of each Presenter
  5. Affiliation of each Presenter
  6. E-mail address of each Presenter
  7. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  8. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

APA Central papers & proposals should be sent to: Dr. Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) at by September 21st, 2019.

Thank you!

Jea Sophia Oh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
West Chester University of Pennsylvania

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