Category: Conference (Page 1 of 4)

CFP: SACP at AAR 2025

Call for Proposals
The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our two 90min panels at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting, to be held November 22–25, 2025 at Boston, whose presidential theme is freedom. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome.

Please submit through AAR PAPERS system. Typically, AAR submission site opens at the end of January, proposals due early to mid-March 2025. You can find instructions here, 

For AAR 2025, one of our allotted two panels will be co-sponsored with Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion on the following theme. The other panel will be open to any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy.

Title – Translational Feminisms for Philosophers of Religion

CFP description – How might philosophers of religion constructively approach the unresolved, intractable, transcultural issue of patriarchy and gender-based oppression from the theoretical resources of resources typically marginalized by the field? We seek papers and panel proposals that clearly articulate a specific problem, outline arguments in response, and philosophically evaluate the arguments’ merits. Our session will thereby produce a mutually illuminating conversation.

International Society for Contemplative Research

The Planning Committee for the Second ISCR Conference in Padova, Italy, June 19-23, Invites you to Submit your Work

Embodied Cognition and Intersubjectivity in Uncertain Times: Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Contemplative Research and Education

The deadline for submission has been extended to Monday March 4th at 12am EST. 

The ISCR 2024 is an international conference for rigorous interdisciplinary investigation of contemplative practices in diverse contexts. This year’s special theme is

Embodied Cognition and Intersubjectivity in Uncertain Times: Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Contemplative Research and Education

The conference will feature plenary sessions, contemplative practice workshops, and individual presentations and concurrent panels on a diverse range of topics and best practices within contemplative research, including:

  • Basic and Clinical Sciences;
  • Cultural, Religious, and Philosophical Studies on Contemplative Practices;
  • Theory and Practice of Contemplative Education

Topics of particular interest will be proposals that examine how contemplative practices can contribute to enhancing intersubjective values such as empathy and compassion, social connectivity and the promotion of individual and societal flourishing through reducing the polarization and tribalism that infects our world today. We are also particularly interested in contributions featuring interdisciplinary cross-fertilization between the Sciences, Humanities, and Education.

Sessions and events will provide a range of opportunities, including engagement with some of the world’s leading contemplative researchers, discovery and discussion of latest findings, introduction to a range of contemplative practices, opportunities to discover best practices for interdisciplinary research as well as career development and networking.

Individuals can submit to present in the following formats:

Panel Presentation (3-5 people)

60 or 90 Minutes

Groups may submit abstracts for 60 or 90 minute oral presentations or discussions with 3-5 presenters, one of whom is responsible for presiding over the discussion as both moderator and timekeeper.We accept all proposals but encourage ones that are interdisciplinary. Please be sure to include contact information for each presenter and moderator in the proposal.

Individual Presentation

20 Minutes
(may be thematically grouped)

Individuals may submit abstracts for 20-minute oral presentations, which may be grouped together thematically by our reviewers. Please note, due to space and time limitations, we will be accepting a limited number of individual presentations—we therefore encourage applicants to coordinate on a panel, or submit a poster presentation.

*If your Abstract is not selected for an Individual Presentation, you can have it considered for a Poster

Poster Presentation

A Poster can also be considered for a Data Blitz [Mini-Presentation])

Individuals may submit abstracts for a poster presentation to be presented during concurrent 90-minutes poster sessions. Posters may include new research results as well as theoretical, historical, textual, or other relevant scholarship, as well as a work in progress or study protocols. Descriptions should provide sufficient specificity of content to allow the ISCR Review Committee to adequately evaluate the proposal.

Submission portal information

ISCR submissions are now managed by Conference Manager 2.0, a management application that is also used by other organizations. Due to this shared system, you may already have an existing account. Please review the instructions below carefully so as not to create duplicate user accounts.

If you do not have a user account, please click the button below and create an account. On the landing page, select “create user profile” under the “New Users” heading. After you create your account, you will use your email, and new password to log into the system. These credentials will be required for submitting your work. Once you have created your account, and logged in, you will be taken to your account dashboard. One of the tiles on the dashboard will say Abstract Submission- click the link that says, “Submit Now”.

Call for Abstracts | International Conference “Environmental Ethics and Vulnerability in Western and/or Buddhist Philosophy” 

International Conference “Environmental Ethics and Vulnerability in Western and/or Buddhist Philosophy” 

by Laura Langone and Carlo Chiurco 

University of Verona (Italy), 24-25-26 October 2024 


Call for abstracts: 

This conference aims to explore new paths in environmental ethics by bringing into dialogue Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions. Global issues such as the environmental ones require global answers that need to elaborate a wide perspective.

Given the popularity of Buddhism as well as the growth of Buddhist studies in the West, this conference looks for intercultural contributions on environmental ethics that embrace both Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions.

In this respect, vulnerability may play a key role in bridging East and West. Its prominent position in contemporary ethics and global bioethics could contribute to transcending the view of a self-referential modern subjectivity in favor of a fully relational conception of subjectivity. This conception aligns closely with the Buddhist perspective on reality as the interconnectedness of everything that exists.

The main objective of this conference is to provide a platform for bringing together scholars in environmental ethics, vulnerability, and global bioethics from both Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions, fostering potential dialogues between them. Contributions from either the Western or Buddhist perspective alone are also welcome.

Possible topics for papers can include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental ethics in Western or Buddhist philosophical traditions
  • Comparative perspectives on environmental ethics between Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions
  • Historical encounters between Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions regarding environmental ethics
  • Vulnerability and global bioethics from either the Western or Buddhist perspectives
  • Comparative perspectives on vulnerability and global bioethics between Western and Buddhist philosophical traditions
  • Future challenges in environmental ethics, vulnerability and global bioethics

Keynote speakers: 

  • Henk ten Have (Duquesne University, USA)
  • Marion Hourdequin (Colorado College, USA)
  • Claudia Navarini (European University of Rome, Italy)
  • William Edelglass (Emerson College, USA)
  • Benedetta Giovanola (University of Macerata, Italy)
  • Janet Donohoe (University of West Georgia, USA)
  • Graham Parkes (University of Vienna, Austria)

The conference is funded by the European Commission through its Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and sponsored by the following academic societies:

  • International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE)
  • International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP)
  • Italian Society for Moral Philosophy (SIFM)
  • International Association for Education in Ethics (IAEE)
  • XXV World Congress of Philosophy Rome 2024 (WCP 2024)
  • Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP)

Abstracts (of max 300 words) and CV should be submitted to: Laura Langone ( and Carlo Chiurco (  

Abstracts can be submitted in either English or Italian

In the email subject line please write: Environmental Ethics and Vulnerability Conference

Deadline for proposals: 29 February 2024 

Notification of acceptance: by 10 May 2024 

Conference website: 

CFP: SACP at APA Central Feb. 21-24, 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) PANELS:
APA Central Division will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 21-24, 2024.

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Central Division Meeting.  Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered.  Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Indicate whether you are willing to Chair your panel
  6. Approximately 200-300 word Paper Abstract

REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Chair of the Panel
  3. Title of each Paper
  4. Name of each Presenter
  5. Affiliation of each Presenter
  6. E-mail address of each Presenter
  7. Approximately 200-300 word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  8. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

APA Central papers & proposals should be sent to: Dr. Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) at by July 31, 2023 with “SACP APA Central” in the subject line.

cfp – sacp at apa Feb. 21-24, 2024

Annual dues

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing this message on behalf of the Board of Directors for the SACP. I have not sent out this message for the past few years because the SACP has not been able to run its annual conference, and also because funds are tight across colleges and universities.

We are now well into 2023, and as you may know, the activities of the SACP for this calendar year require the financial support of its members. If you are able, I kindly request that you submit your annual dues by May 15th. Hopefully you will find these affordable—annual dues are only $50 ($35 for students). Payment can be submitted through Paypal (the preferred method, since it saves on time and paperwork). Please see below for further instructions on how to submit payment.

On behalf of the SACP, I thank you in advance for your support and hope to see you in San Francisco this coming November for our annual conference.


Geoff Ashton

SACP Treasurer

Payment Instructions: 



Please visit our website to submit your information and payment:

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