Category: Jobs (Page 6 of 8)

Two posts at New College Florida

New College of Florida is searching for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor of Philosophy with expertise in early modern European philosophy and at least one non-European philosophical tradition (see below).

NCF also has a full-time tenure-track opening in Medical Humanities which could be of interest to philosophers.


Assistant Professor of Philosophy

The Division of Humanities at New College of Florida invites applications for a tenure -track position in History of Philosophy beginning August 2019. AOS: History of philosophy, with expertise in early modern European philosophy and at least one non-European philosophical tradition. AOC: Medieval philosophy.

This position is one of 10 new faculty lines for 2019, and part of an exciting campus-growth initiative funded by the State of Florida (see

Diversity Statement: New College is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty. Candidates from underrepresented groups, women, and those whose knowledge or skills support an inclusive culture and learning environment are especially encouraged to apply.

Teaching and Scholarship Expectations: The teaching load is two courses per semester plus sponsoring individual and group tutorials. In addition to classes and tutorials, faculty members provide academic advising, supervise independent study projects, sponsor senior undergraduate theses/projects, and serve on baccalaureate committees. The successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain a program of research or creative work. We are particularly interested in candidates who have a demonstrated commitment to innovative undergraduate liberal arts teaching.

Our new colleague will teach Modern Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy regularly, and we look forward to adding substantial offerings outside of European philosophical traditions.

New College offers a Philosophy major as well as opportunities for combined majors. Many students across the college take several philosophy courses. Our program stresses both historical grounding and familiarity with recent philosophy in both the analytic and European continental traditions, and the development of students’ own perspectives in effective philosophical thinking and writing. Current faculty have strengths in history of philosophy, epistemology, ethics and political philosophy, aesthetics, and feminist philosophy. Institutional support for Philosophy now allows us to add a fourth full-time tenure-line position and to extend our course offerings and research expertise beyond European traditions for the first time.

Our new colleague will join us in developing our expanded curriculum, taking the lead in their areas of expertise. We welcome diverse perspectives in philosophy, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.  An early modernist, for example, will find ready colleagues in our Medieval/Renaissance program (which hosts a large international conference biannually), and someone working outside the European tradition will find colleagues in multiple fields across the college. New College’s universal senior thesis requirement puts us in position to work with interesting, engaged students on extensive (year-long) advanced projects. Faculty also regularly interact with students in tutorials and extracurricular activities.

About New College: Situated on the Gulf Coast of Florida and Sarasota Bay, New College is a nationally recognized, selective public honors college with an 10:1 student/faculty ratio. Students are intellectually independent and highly motivated. Undergraduate research has a central role in the curriculum, and a senior thesis/project is required of all students. Students receive narrative evaluations in lieu of grades. New College is committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching and research and encourages collaborative student-faculty scholarship.

Application: Interested candidates should apply online at, and should provide curriculum vitae, and a unofficial graduate transcript.  In addition, provide (via email to Prof.s Aron Edidin and April Flakne at 1) letter of application, 2) a statement of teaching philosophy, 3) a statement regarding the candidate’s contributions or approaches to supporting an inclusive culture and learning environment, 4)three brief course descriptions, including a course in Modern Philosophy and one in a non-European area, 5) writing sample or reference to web page with samples, and 6) three letters of recommendation, including at least one that addresses teaching. Deadline: December 1, 2018.  According to Florida law, applications and meetings regarding applications are open to the public upon request. Applicants who need reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the selection process must notify the chair of the search committee 48 hours in advance of a meeting. New College is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution.



Kyoto University – Seeking an Assistant Professor

Seeking an Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University,
(Full-time (Nontenured))

6th June, 2018

Content of Job Information:
We are hiring an assistant professor to engage in teaching within the scheme of Liberal Arts and Science to Learn in English of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, and in research and administrative activities for both the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE) and the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University.

Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

Job Description:

  1. The assistant professor will teach two courses in each term: Science and Religion and Critical Thinking within the scheme of Liberal Arts and Science to Learn in English of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Kyoto University.

    For information on Liberal Arts and Science to Learn in English, see the following web page.

  2. The assistant professor will be a member of the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE) in the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, taking charge of CAPE lectures and seminars and other CAPE research and administrative activities.For information on CAPE and its academic activities, see the following web page.
  3. The assistant professor will also be a faculty member of the department of the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, taking charge of the department’s and the school’s research and administrative activities.
  4. The assistant professorship will start from 1st April 2019 and last for two years, with the first six months being a probation period. The term of the position can be renewed for a further one year.

All candidates must have a PhD in philosophy at the time of his/her application. Their area of specialization is expected to be in philosophy (an AOS in applied philosophy or ethics is desired but not necessary), while their area of competence should be in philosophy of science and/or religion and critical thinking. They should have the English language capabilities necessary to teach the two courses. Japanese communication skills are also essential for a successful applicant.


  1. Working hours and other working conditions are in conformity with the regulations of Kyoto University on working hours, holidays and vacations. The free time system for professionals is to be applied.
  2. The amount of salary is also in conformity with the regulations of Kyoto University on salaries of non-tenure faculty members.
  3. The employee is to be a member of the national public service Mutual Aid Association. He or she is also to take out employment insurance and industrial accident compensation insurance.

Documents to submit:

  1. CV (photo attached)
  2. List of research achievements and academic publications (please classify publications into categories such as original papers, international conference papers, books, review papers, and so on)
  3. PDF files of three of your major original papers
  4. Contents and achievements of your major research projects and their achievements (to 2 A4-sized pages)
  5. Course descriptions for the teaching subjects
  6. Names and contact information of two referees

Note: All documents are to be written in English or Japanese.

Application Procedure:
Documents should be sent as digital files attached to e-mail to:
ydeguchi [at]

The application deadline is 24:00 (Japanese Standard Time) 31st July 2018.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in both Japanese and English either via Skype or on campus. During the interview process applicants will be asked to give trial lessons.

We strongly encourage and welcome applications from non-Japanese researchers.

Contact Person:
Yasuo DEGUCHI, professor of philosophy
ydeguchi [at]
(Replace “[at]” with “@”.)

Job Posting PDF

The Indian Ministry of Culture Vivekananda Chair

The University of Chicago invites applications for “The Indian Ministry of Culture Vivekananda Chair,” a visiting professorship that allows the University to welcome a senior scholar of significant academic distinction in a field of study promoted by Swami Vivekananda. The holder of this distinguished Chair will remain in residence for one quarter of the academic year to teach, conduct research, and engage with the intellectual community of the University.

The Chair is made possible by a generous grant from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, and is intended to honor the life and legacy of Swami Vivekananda by promoting the fields of study most relevant to his teachings and philosophies, such as human values, Indian philosophy, and movements for social change.  The Chair is also intended to further the study of Indian culture in the United States; to advance the understanding of the history, culture and people of India; to create more knowledge about Indian society; and to instruct new generations of students.

Continue reading

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga – Assistant Professor, Religious Studies

Assistant Professor, Religious Studies  180000004K


The Department of Philosophy and Religion of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga invites applications for a tenure-track appointment as assistant professor of religion specializing in Asian Religions; teaching competency in Islam is also desired.

This is a tenure-track appointment beginning August 1, 2018.


The candidate should demonstrate teaching experience in the area of specialization and in world religions.  Knowledge of relevant research languages is expected. Candidates should hold a doctorate in religious studies (or related field) by the time of appointment. Individuals who are “all but dissertation” (ABD) will be considered for faculty positions at UTC; however, the degree must be awarded within twelve months of the first semester of employment.

Please submit:

  • a letter of application outlining teaching experience and research interests,
  • an unofficial graduate school transcript,
  • curriculum vitae,
  • a list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses for three (3) references for  confidential letters of recommendation to be requested

For full consideration, all materials except transcript must be submitted electronically by March 1, 2018.  Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is the second largest school in the University of Tennessee System, serving a diverse student body of more than 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students through five academic colleges. UTC offers a unique blend of private and public school traditions and is a driving force for achieving excellence, embracing diversity, inspiring positive change, and enriching the community. Since its founding as Chattanooga University in 1886, UTC has developed a reputation for excellence built on an unusual blend of the private and public traditions of American higher education. For more than 83 years, the university was a private school. In 1969, UTC became part of the state university system. Today, UTC is on a journey to excellence – boldly embracing a passion for excellence in all things and focused on changing lives and transforming communities. The UTC commitment—each and every day—is to earn the trust and confidence of those we serve. Our goal is to make a difference in our community and in the lives of our students.

Chattanooga, the fourth largest city in the state, is located in Southeast Tennessee near the border of Georgia at the junction of four interstate highways. The city has received national recognition for the renaissance of its beautiful downtown and redevelopment of its riverfront. Chattanooga also has the fastest internet in the country. Home to the first Gig Internet in the United States, Chattanooga has a 100% fiber network that links every home and business in a 600-square mile area. Companies like Unum, McKee, U.S. Xpress, Volkswagen, Coke United and have chosen to set up shop in Chattanooga. Attractions such as the Tennessee Aquarium, Lookout Mountain, Civil War battlefield sites, the African American Museum, and the Appalachian Trail bring thousands of people to the area, as do events like the Riverbend Festival, Nightfall, Jazzanooga, the Creative Discovery Museum for Children, and the Southern Writers Conference. Chattanooga is the home to the seven-time NCAA Southern Conference Football Champions, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mocs.  People who love the outdoors use Chattanooga as a base for hang-gliding, bass fishing, mountain climbing and caving expeditions; the beautiful Smoky Mountains and Tennessee River support the greatest variety of flora of any area in the United States. Chattanooga also has a long and rich past with regard to diversity, which includes Native American heritage, Civil War history, and the Civil Rights movement. Chattanooga is also just a two hour (or less) drive from Atlanta, Nashville, Knoxville, and Birmingham.



Primary Location




Campus/Institute  Chattanooga



Job Posting

Feb 6, 2018, 7:14:27 PM

University of Maine, Asst Prof, Dept of Philosophy & Honors College

CLAS – Honors Preceptor of Philosophy (Assistant Professor) (id:46057)

The University of Maine Honors College and the Department of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seek a dynamic, innovative scholar and teacher for a joint position between Honors and the Department of Philosophy at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track). The CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Philosophy is an academic-year position, anticipated to start September 1, 2018.

Area of specialization is in comparative philosophy, broadly construed. Desired areas of specialization include Eastern Philosophy, Islamic and Arabic Philosophy, African/Africana Philosophy, Latinx Philosophy, Native American Philosophy. Area of concentration is history of philosophy. Competence in teaching philosophy of religion is desirable. Preference may be given to candidates with an interest in publicly engaged philosophy.


Teaching, research and service responsibilities are divided evenly between the Department of Philosophy and the Honors College.

In Philosophy, duties include teaching first-year philosophy courses and upper-level courses in non-western philosophy. In Honors, responsibilities include teaching in the first- and second-year core Honors sequence, topical lectures, and upper-level tutorials in the applicant’s area of interest.

In addition, the faculty member is expected to develop a program of research, mentor students, and engage them in collaborative work.

Other duties include advising Philosophy and Honors students, supervision of undergraduate student research and Honors theses, and appropriate university service.


Required Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Philosophy required by date of hire
  • Research specialization in comparative philosophy
  • Teaching competence in history of philosophy
  • Demonstrated ability to teach courses successfully at the undergraduate level
  • Evidence of ability (e.g., peer-reviewed publications) to develop and pursue a research agenda in the candidate’s area of expertise.
  • Interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Area of specialization in one or more of the following: Eastern Philosophy, Islamic and Arabic Philosophy, African/Africana Philosophy, Latinx Philosophy, Native American Philosophy
  • Interest in public/engaged philosophy and work in Honors
  • Teaching competence in philosophy of religion
  • Ability to contribute to scholarship in Honors education

Housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Department of Philosophy ( has 40 undergraduate majors. The Department offers the B.A. degree in Philosophy, and minors in Philosophy and in Ethics and Social Philosophy.

The Honors College ( is home to more than 850 students who undertake a curriculum that enhances both the breadth and depth of their education. For more than 80 years, the Honors College has provided academic opportunities to motivated, intellectually curious undergraduates. These students begin their college careers with a four-semester interdisciplinary core sequence taught in small seminar classes and conclude with a required two-semester senior thesis mentored by a scholar in their field.

Located in central Maine, the University of Maine, Orono is the flagship campus of the University of Maine system. Numerous cultural activities, excellent public schools in neighborhoods where children can walk to school, high quality medical care, little traffic, and a reasonable cost of living make the greater Bangor/Orono area a wonderful place to live. The University of Maine is just 60 miles from the Bar Harbor area and Acadia National Park and 2 hours from Portland.

Appropriate background checks are required.

All UMS employees are required to comply with applicable policies and procedures, as well as to complete applicable workplace related screenings, and required employee trainings, such as Information Security, Safety Training, Workplace Violence, and Sexual Harassment.

A complete application consists of (1) an application letter describing the applicant’s experience and interests with respect to the required and preferred qualifications for the position, (2) updated CV, (3) updated unofficial transcripts (official transcripts may be requested at a later date), (4) a sample of scholarly work, (5) summary of course evaluations, (6) sample syllabi, (7) letters from three professional references. Candidate-submitted materials must be submitted via “Apply For Position” below; letters of reference should be sent by referees directly to with candidate’s name in the subject line. You will also need to complete the affirmative action survey, the self-identification of disability form, and the self-identification of veteran status form. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. For questions about the position, contact Mimi Killinger, Search Committee Chair,

The University of Maine System is an EEO/AA employer, and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. Please contact the Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 N. Stevens Hall, Orono, ME 04469 at 207-581-1226 (voice), TTY 711 (Maine Relay System), or with questions or concerns.

Academic Year (Sept-May)
Copies of Transcripts, Cover Letter, Publications, Resume/CV, Syllabi, Teaching Evaluations


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