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Fifth Lecture in the Miki Kiyoshi Lecture Series: Ecstasis and Redemption

Hello Everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the fifth lecture in the Miki Kiyoshi Lecture Series, titled Ecstasis and Redemption, will be delivered by Takushi Odagiri, Associate Professor at Kanazawa University, on March 12, 19:00–21:00 EDT (March 13, 8:00–10:00 JST).
This lecture promises a thoughtful and insightful exploration of two key figures in critical theory and 20th-century Japanese philosophy. Takushi Odagiri will explore the intersections between Walter Benjamin’s and Miki Kiyoshi’s conceptions of history, particularly their critiques of historical formalism and their alternative visions of temporality. By bringing these two figures into dialogue, the lecture will shed light on how their ideas inform contemporary debates on historical consciousness, political action, and the role of imagination in shaping our understanding of the present.
For more information, please email Gerald Nelson Jr. at
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Looking forward to seeing you there!
Ectasis and Redemption
Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History (1940) is contemporaneous with Miki’s Logic of Imagination (1937-1938 and 1939-1943). There are significant resemblances in their historical thought. Both Benjamin and Miki reject causal conceptions of history, being critical of historical formalism. They both inquire into certain openture of time called the present (or what Benjamin calls “a monad”). They conceive of philosophy from the standpoint of action rather than that of knowledge. However, despite these similarities, whereas Benjamin’s Theses revolve around redemption of the subdued, Miki pursues an ecstatic/techno-ontological conception of history. This study clarifies both Benjamin’s and Miki’s theses on historical openture in their texts dating from the overlapping period. Despite his recurring statement that an action should be understood as creation of things, Miki’s presentist thought is essentially metaphysical rather than physical or material. Since we live in the world in which fiction bears more importance than material objects, metaphysics for Miki is related to the faculty of imagination. Therefore, unlike for Benjamin, the standpoint of action for Miki does not necessarily entail a materialist view. This (potentially contradictory) idea of action cuts across Miki’s philosophy of history and imagination. It explains the difference between Benjamin’s redemptive and Miki’s ecstatic presentism. Miki examines this correlation between imagination and metaphysics throughout Logic of Imagination.


Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy
57th Annual Conference
July 9-11, 2025
Leiden University


From Human to Humane:
Nature, Nurture, and Narrative


Call for Proposals

The 57th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at Leiden University from July 9-11, 2025.

We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.

Submissions: Paper and panel proposals can be submitted via the submission portal.

Individual proposals should include: (1) title; (2) abstract of 200-300 words; (3) presenter’s name, email, and institution.

Panel proposals should include: (1) panel title and description; (2) title and abstract of each paper; (4) name, email, and institution of each participant, including the panel moderator.

The deadline for submission is January 10, 2025. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be emailed by February 10, with instructions for registering and submitting the conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear on the SACP conference website.

Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP awards prizes for the top three papers presented by graduate students: US$1,000 for first prize, US$750 for second prize, and US$500 for third prize. Students must attend the conference to be eligible for Essay Contest Awards.

More Information: Additional queries about any aspect of the conference can be directed to

Extended Deadline: CFP SACP at San Francisco


Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

55th Annual Conference
November 9-11, 2023
University of San Francisco

Keynote Speaker: Hei-sook Kim, Ewha Women’s University

Call for Proposals

The 55th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at the University of San Francisco November 9-11, 2023.

We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic. The SACP board especially welcomes engagement with diverse philosophical approaches and traditions. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to submit proposals that correspond to their areas of interest so long as they engage in some way with Asian and/or Comparative philosophies.

Submissions: Paper and panel proposals can be submitted via this Google Form or by email to For email submissions, include all requested information in an attachment with a filename that includes the presenter’s last name and “SACP 2023” – for example, “Henkel—SACP 2023”.

Individual proposals should include: (1) title; (2) abstract of 200-300 words; (3) presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address.

Panel proposals should include: (1) title; (2) 200-300 word description of the panel; (3) title and abstract of each paper; (4) name, institutional affiliation, and email address of each participant.

Deadline Extended: The deadline for submission is June 12, 2023. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be emailed by June 30, with instructions for how to register and submit the conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear on the SACP conference website.

Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP awards prizes for the top three papers presented by graduate students: US$1,000 for first prize, $US750 for second prize, and US$500 for third prize. Students must attend the conference to be eligible for the Essay Contest Awards.

Those who wish their papers to be considered for a graduate student award must submit an abstract and a complete essay of no more than 4,000 words to Jeremy Henkel, SACP Secretary, at by June 12, 2023.

Format: As the meeting will be in-person, presenters are expected to attend and present on-site. The committee organizers will consider allowing remote presentations when exceptional circumstances justify the change and where adjustments can reasonably be made.

More Information: Additional queries about any aspect of the conference can be directed to

10 Junior (postdoc) / Senior Fellowships in Aachen (Germany) starting in October 2023 for up to 12 months

Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Aachen (Germany): Cultures of Research

10 Junior (postdoc) / Senior Fellowships in Aachen (Germany) starting in October 2023 for up to 12 months

Open call for applications

The Käte Hamburger Kolleg Aachen Cultures of Research (c:o/re) has openings for a total of 10 international fellows for the academic year 2023/2024, starting in October 2023. Eligible applicants are expected to come from the humanities, social sciences and STS as well as from natural, life and technical sciences. The International Center for Advanced Studies at RWTH Aachen University is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Part of its mission is to offer a free space to its fellows to develop their own research and to exchange ideas for a timespan of up to 12 months.

The topic Cultures of Research is positioned where the fields of philosophy, sociology and history interface with natural sciences and technology. The overall focus of the Center’s work is on transformations of science and technology which are addressed by notions of complexity, life-likeness and emergence. In general, we are particularly interested in the digitalization of research (simulation, artificial intelligence, machine learning) for the study of epistemic complex systems (e.g. climate change, energy revolution, biologization, sustainability), in participatory arrangements between science and society and in investigating histories and varieties of cultures of research. Our aim is to explore new cultures of (transdisciplinary) research, and, as such, to develop new theories and methodologies for investigating scientific transformations.

For the call of the year 2023/2024 we are particularly, but not exclusively interested in the topic of life-likeness as it emerges at the interface of engineering, AI, life sciences and material sciences.

Against this backdrop we encourage applications by candidates coming from:

* the humanities, social sciences and STS to explore scientific and technological transformations related to life-likeness;

* natural, life and technical sciences to explore complex life-like systems; and

* arts, art history, science journalism and scientific illustration to explore the mediation and representation of life-likeness in science and technology.


The International Center for Advanced Studies “Cultures of Research” is part of RWTH Aachen University (Germany), which with a student body of 47,000 is one of the largest technical universities in Europe. With over fifty professorships and ten institutes from the humanities and social sciences, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities is an integral part of the interdisciplinary culture of teaching and

research at RWTH Aachen University. Located at the borders of Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands (Euregio), it has close ties with STS institutes at the universities of Maastricht and Liège, and with the Jülich–Aachen Research Alliance (JARA BRAIN) at the neighboring Jülich Research Center, a research campus of more than 5,000 researchers.



Fellows will join the international center for a maximum period of 12 months. The fellowships provide a full grant commensurate with applicants’ level of professional experience, working space in fully-equipped offices, logistical support, and access to the interdisciplinary research landscape and research labs at RWTH Aachen University. Fellows who take unpaid leave during their fellowship will receive financial compensation in the form of a stipend; alternatively, the center would pay for a teaching replacement at the fellow’s home institution. In order to create a stimulating intellectual environment among the resident research community, fellows are expected to routinely conduct much of their work from Aachen during their fellowship. Residency in Aachen is required and the center can support fellows in the search for accommodation.


Scholars can apply for either junior or senior fellowships. For junior fellows a successfully completed PhD is an eligibility requirement; for senior fellowships a professorship (associate or full professorship) or comparable position is expected. Applications (in English) should include a cover/motivational letter (1 page), CV (tabular, max. 2 pages), a project outline incl. intended goals/outcome of the project (max. 1300 words), and a list of publications. Please also submit a writing sample (journal article or book-chapter). Applications can be submitted via our application portal that you find here.

The deadline for applications is December 31, 2022.

Female researchers and scholars from the Global South are particularly encouraged to apply. For further information please visit the FAQs on our website.

KHK_Aachen_CFA_23 24-1

2019 SACP Election Results

Congratulations to Sarah Flavel, who has been elected Vice President of the SACP! (Sarah will serve as VP for two years, Jan 2020-Dec 2021, then automatically become president for two years, Jan 2022-Dec 2023.):

Congratulations to Chiara Robbiano, who has been elected as the Secretary of the SACP! (Chiara will serve for three years, Jan 2020-Dec 2022.)

Congratulations to Marzenna Jakubczak, who has been elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the SACP. (She will serve for two years, Jan 2020-Dec 2021.)

John Krummel, Jeremy Henkel, and Anand Vaidya, thank you for standing for the election. And thank you everybody who voted!

Remember that the 52nd Annual Conference of the SACP will be held 1-4 October 2020, San Francisco, CA…/annual-sacp-conference-2020/ Call for papers is forthcoming.


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