SACP panel at
Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II:
Critical Race, Feminist, & Continental Philosophy Conference
George Washington University, Washington DC JUNE 3-5, 2019
We are pleased to announce that the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) will participate in the second Diverse Lineages of Existentialism conference that will take place at George Washington University, Washington DC, June 3-5, 2019. For details about the conference, visit the conference website:
We invite submissions that explore topics related to existentialism and diversity in Asian and comparative philosophy, including: (1) existential dimensions of Asian philosophy: How are self and other defined in Asian philosophy? How are human conditions understood in Asian philosophy? What are their promises and limitations? How are Asian forms of existentialism distinctive from other existential traditions? Is there tension between the two? (2) diversity: How does Asian philosophy engage with or hinder diversity? Are there Asian philosophical traditions that are conducive to the encouragement of diversity? How is conformism understood in Asian philosophical traditions in individual and socio-political contexts and how do Asian philosophers respond to it? What would be Asian and comparative philosophy’s contribution to the current discourse on diversity? (3) How do Asian and comparative philosophy deal with gender, power, human frailty, a remedy for human weakness, and lived experience?
Submit your proposal that includes: (1) Title of your paper; (2) Name, Institutional affiliation, position, and email address; (3) 300 word abstract to Jin Y. Park ( by October 15, 2018.