SACP Call for Papers

2018 AAR Annual Meeting, Denver

November 17-20, 2018

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy is affiliated with the AAR as a “Related Scholarly Organization” (RSO), in that capacity we are invited to offer panels at the annual meeting (starting this year they are called “Other Events,” instead of “Additional Meetings”).

The SACP will host at least one panel for this year’s AAR meeting. There is a possibility that the panel will be scheduled on Saturday (11/17) in the morning, before the start of the official AAR program, unless otherwise requested by you in advance.

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Please submit your

paper proposal (your name, the title of the paper, and an abstract of 250-300 words)


panel proposal (your name and the names of the panelists; the title of the panel, and the abstract of the panel in 250 words; the title of each individual paper plus an abstract of 200 words for each paper)


Dr. Michiko Yusa (
Deadline for the submission: May 25, 2018