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CFP: APA Central Division 2022


APA Central Division, 2022

February 23-26, 2022, The Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Central Division Meeting.  Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered.  Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Indicate whether you are willing to Chair your panel
  6. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract

    REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Chair of the Panel
  3. Title of each Paper
  4. Name of each Presenter
  5. Affiliation of each Presenter
  6. E-mail address of each Presenter
  7. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  8. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

    APA Central papers & proposals should be sent to: Dr. Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) at by July 31, 2021.

Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West

University of Cambridge Postgraduate Online Conference 21-22 June 2021

This conference seeks to explore historical and contemporary dialogues between Buddhism and the West, while also contemplating ways of opening up new conversations. With an appreciation of the value of interdisciplinarity, we aim to bring together scholars from diverse fields to both share and enhance their unique perspectives. In today’s era of globalisation, dialogue between different cultures is a daily occurrence. The last century in particular has produced a dynamic exchange of ideas between Buddhism and the West. Important exchanges have occurred in myriad areas of intellectual life, ranging from spiritual endeavours to the pursuit of a scientific understanding of the mind. In Western universities, Buddhist Studies is a growing field, and thus there is a continuous interaction of scholars. In addition, outside of academia, interest in Buddhism as a religion and practice has been steadily growing, along with the number of Buddhist institutions.

In the context of globalisation, the encounter between Buddhism and the West is generally understood as a modern phenomenon. However, throughout history, from distant antiquity to recent past, the dialogue between Buddhism and the West has been pervasive and dynamic. This conference intends to uncover some of these exchanges and suggest possibilities for future dialogues.

Possible topics for papers can include, but are not limited to:

  • views of Western intellectuals on Buddhism and of Buddhist intellectuals on the West over the course of history;
  • similarities and differences between modern approaches to Buddhism and those of the past;
  • mutual influence in philosophy;
  • artistic expressions: genres, techniques and topics;
  • Christianity and Buddhism;
  • dynamic encounters in films;
  • interculturality in literature;
  • issues of comparative jurisprudence between Buddhist legal codes and Western doctrines.

This conference is aimed at postgraduate students. Since Buddhism is an umbrella term that picks out and is associated with a plurality of religious beliefs, politics, philosophical positions, arguments, practices, and artistic works, this conference is very broad in scope, with possible contributions ranging from philosophy, film studies to law, this leaves the conference open to a wide range of students to make a contribution from their own research field.

Please send abstract (500 words) and CV to: by 9 May 2021.
Go to the conference website:

Dynamic Encounters 2021

Atlanta Murders

We join with many others in expressing our grief and anger at the recent murders of eight people, including six Asian/Asian American women, in Atlanta. We express our support and concern for our Asian/Asian American colleagues, and encourage everyone to take a stand against the increasing incidents of violence against Asians and Asian Americans that has occurred in recent years in the US. On behalf of the SACP, we have joined with other organizations in supporting a fuller statement of concerns issued by A Community-Centered Response to Violence Against Asian American Communities — Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta ( In addition, there are many resources for learning about how issues of gender and race intersect; here is one starting point:


The SACP Board

SACP Annual Conference re-scheduled for 2022 in San Francisco

Dear Members of the SACP,

We hope this email finds you all well. Amid the complex travel circumstances this year we have decided to postpone our next meeting until Autumn 2022. Although we would love to continue as planned, we feel it would be best to action this decision sooner rather than later. We also did not feel that a large-scale online event would be particularly desirable in place of our usual face to face meeting.

We look forward to seeing many of you in San Francisco in Autumn 2022!  In case you have contacted us, to ask about the submission procedure, we hope we will hear from you again one year from now.

*Participants who previously submitted abstracts to the 2020 annual conference should have received a specific email regarding their submissions. If you did not receive an email, please email us at

We have also recently discussed that it would be logistically difficult to stick to the original schedule of elections for board members, and rather unfortunate for our current board to serve only in a period with no meetings. We therefore feel we should put back our current elections process by two years. This effectively means extending current board member’s terms by two years, corresponding to the two-year postponement between events. Unless there are any major objections from our members, we will therefore intend to go ahead with the next set of elections in 2022.

Email inquiries should be directed to

With all our best wishes for 2021.

The SACP Board

Lexington Books Series on Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion


I hope that you are doing well in these challenging times. From the initial formation meeting of the SACP at the APA in Philadelphia, which I attended while still a Ph.D. student, and for the next 45 years, the SACP was a central part of my life. I regret that in the past 10 years, I have stepped back and not been active in the SACP, but my life has been and remains so full, and one can’t do everything. I’ve been delighted to see how a new generation in the Society has emerged and done such impressive dedicated work.

I attended the APA in Philadelphia in Jan. 2020 because my latest book was featured in one of those author-meets-critics. While there I was able to attend the SACP session, and I was surprised to observe how about 4 of the 5 speakers were recent authors in the Lexington Books Series on Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion. That is why I’m writing.

I’ve had the editors at Lexington prepare the attached flyer and information. You’ll recognize many of the authors. Please feel free to share the attached material with friends and colleagues. This has been a series of very high quality and an excellent opportunity, especially for young scholars.

Thanks for your assistance and all the best for your future and the future of the SACP, now more relevant and necessary than ever.


Doug Allen

SCPR Flyer

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