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2020 SACP-Central APA Panels

SACP Session I: Art of Misunderstanding via Critiques, Wednesday 8PM-11PM

Moderator: Jea Sophia Oh, West Chester University of Pennsylvania,

  1. “Buddhist Metaethics: Problems and Prospects,”

Russell Guilbault (Northern Illinois University),

  1. “The Problem of Evil in Mahāyāna Buddhism”

Seungil Lee and Jinsub Song (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

  1. “Capability and Judgment: Mencius, Commitment, and Critique”

Timothy Gutmann (University of Chicago)

  1. “Confucian Competitive Democracy: A Prototype”

Yutang Jin (University of Oxford)

  1. “Gender Rhetoric and the Ideological Formation of Global Governance in Reregionalization of Asian Women”

Yuanfang Dai  (Michigan State University)

SACP Session II: Art of Understanding via NegativaThursday 9am-12pm

Moderator: Yuanfang Dai  (Michigan State University),

  1. “No Paradox of the Dao in the Laozi”

Hao Hong (University of Maine)

  1. “Form and Content in the Zhuangzi: Beyond Metaphor”

Roy Porat (Harvard University)

  1. “The Role of Negative Emotions in the Good Life: Reflections from the Zhuangzi”

Richard Kim (Loyola University Chicago)

  1. “Human Emotions, A Comparative Study in Ki Taesung Kobong and David Hume”

Maria Hasfeldt (The University of Copenhagen & Sogang University)

  1. “Cloudy Stream of Consciousness: Cheng Hao’s Account of Nature”

James Brown-Kinsella (Peking University)

Save the dates: SACP 2020, University of San Francisco, Oct 1-4, 2020

Dear all,

Mark your calendar!

The 52nd annual conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at the University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct 1-4, 2020. The conference theme of the 2020 SACP is “One and Many.”

A Call for Paper will be out soon.

Those of you who attended the SACP at Bath Spa University might remember that at the general meeting, the University of Memphis was selected for the 2020 conference venue. We encountered a logistical problem in holding the 2020 conference at the University of Memphis and to avoid the problem, the Univ. of Memphis said that they could hold a conference in 2021.

See you in San Francisco in 2020!


Jin Y. Park, Ph. D.
President, Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Occidental College Tenure-Track for Fall 2020

Occidental College is hiring a tenure-track assistant professor to begin Fall 2020. Attached, please find our call for applications.

The successful candidate will have the demonstrated expertise to teach courses and mentor students in the thought of figures from, or historical texts by, members of groups that are underrepresented in academic philosophy. A full description of the position and instructions for applying are included in our PhilJobs ad linked here and in the attached pdf. Further information about the College and our department can be found here.

Please feel free to contact ( or the search co-chair Ryan Preston-Roedder ( with any questions.

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