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Application Due Date extend to May 6, 2024

The job post for Full Professor of Eastern Philosophy at the University of Vienna has extended its application due date to May 6, 2024.

CFP: Annual SACP Conference 2024 in Prague!

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

56th Annual Conference
September 16-18, 2024
Charles University Prague

Call for Proposals

The 56th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at Charles University Prague September 16-18, 2024.

We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.

Submissions: Paper and panel proposals can be submitted via this link.

Individual proposals should include: (1) title; (2) abstract of 200-300 words; (3) presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address.

Panel proposals should include: (1) title; (2) 200-300 word description of the panel; (3) title and abstract of each paper; (4) name, institutional affiliation, and email address of each participant, including the panel moderator.

The deadline for submission has been extended to June 15, 2024. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be emailed by June 30, with instructions for how to register and submit the conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear on the SACP conference website.

Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP awards prizes for the top three papers presented by graduate students: US$1,000 for first prize, US$750 for second prize, and US$500 for third prize. Students must attend the conference to be eligible for the Essay Contest Awards.

Those who wish their papers to be considered for a graduate student award must submit an abstract and a complete essay of no more than 5,000 words to Jeremy Henkel, SACP Secretary, at by July 15, 2024.

Format: As the meeting will be in-person, presenters are expected to attend and present on-site. The committee organizers will consider allowing remote presentations when exceptional circumstances justify the change and where adjustments can reasonably be made.

More Information: Additional queries about any aspect of the conference can be directed to

Full Professor of Eastern Philosophy

Eastern Philosophy

The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a multidisciplinary perspective.

At the Faculty of Philosophy and Education, the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a Full Professor of Eastern Philosophy.

The position:

The successful candidate has a research focus in an area of Eastern Philosophy, such as Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, or Japanese Philosophy. Within a research focus in Eastern Philosophy, we welcome applications from all philosophical sub disciplines, including (but not limited to) Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Political Philosophy, Ethics, and Aesthetics. The candidate has an excellent research track record in the respective field with publications in internationally leading journals.


Your academic profile:

  • Doctoral degree/PhD
  • Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
  • Proven leadership qualities
  • Gender and diversity competence
  • Experience in designing and managing large research projects
  • Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level
  • Willingness to take on organisational and administrative responsibilities within the Faculty and/or the University

The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for participation in university committees.


We offer:

  • a dynamic research environment
  • a wide range of research and teaching support services
  • attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
  • an attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff(§98 UG, level A1, to be negotiated individually) and an organisational retirement plan
  • a “start-up package”, in particular for the initiation of research projects
  • comprehensive relocation support

Application documents:

Please submit a single PDF file (LastName_FirstName.pdf) containing the following information in English via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education at the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Bernhard Schmid, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 1010 Wien, (


  1. Letter of motivation
  2. Academic curriculum vitae

o     education and training

o     positions held to date

o     relevant parental, family or other care times

o     awards and honors

o     commissions of trust

o     previous and current cooperation partners

o     list of most important acquired third-party funding as principal investigator, and, if applicable, of inventions/patents

o     list of most important scientific talks (max. 10)

o     teaching and mentoring

o     supervision experience (Master and PhD)


  1. List of publications and a link to your ORCID record
  2. Research statement

         o     most important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and planned future research activities (max. 4 pages)

o     synopsis of five key publications with relevance to the position advertised

  1. Teaching and supervision statement        

o     teaching and supervision concept, including a description of the previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2 pages)


Appendices to application document:

  1. Five key publications as electronic full text version
  2. Teaching evaluations(if available, compiled into a single PDF file)
  3. Copies of certificates of academic degrees(mandatory, compiled into a single PDF file)

The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.

Reference no.: ÖstlichePhil 2024
Application deadline: 15 April 2024



International Society for Contemplative Research

The Planning Committee for the Second ISCR Conference in Padova, Italy, June 19-23, Invites you to Submit your Work

Embodied Cognition and Intersubjectivity in Uncertain Times: Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Contemplative Research and Education

The deadline for submission has been extended to Monday March 4th at 12am EST. 

The ISCR 2024 is an international conference for rigorous interdisciplinary investigation of contemplative practices in diverse contexts. This year’s special theme is

Embodied Cognition and Intersubjectivity in Uncertain Times: Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Contemplative Research and Education

The conference will feature plenary sessions, contemplative practice workshops, and individual presentations and concurrent panels on a diverse range of topics and best practices within contemplative research, including:

  • Basic and Clinical Sciences;
  • Cultural, Religious, and Philosophical Studies on Contemplative Practices;
  • Theory and Practice of Contemplative Education

Topics of particular interest will be proposals that examine how contemplative practices can contribute to enhancing intersubjective values such as empathy and compassion, social connectivity and the promotion of individual and societal flourishing through reducing the polarization and tribalism that infects our world today. We are also particularly interested in contributions featuring interdisciplinary cross-fertilization between the Sciences, Humanities, and Education.

Sessions and events will provide a range of opportunities, including engagement with some of the world’s leading contemplative researchers, discovery and discussion of latest findings, introduction to a range of contemplative practices, opportunities to discover best practices for interdisciplinary research as well as career development and networking.

Individuals can submit to present in the following formats:

Panel Presentation (3-5 people)

60 or 90 Minutes

Groups may submit abstracts for 60 or 90 minute oral presentations or discussions with 3-5 presenters, one of whom is responsible for presiding over the discussion as both moderator and timekeeper.We accept all proposals but encourage ones that are interdisciplinary. Please be sure to include contact information for each presenter and moderator in the proposal.

Individual Presentation

20 Minutes
(may be thematically grouped)

Individuals may submit abstracts for 20-minute oral presentations, which may be grouped together thematically by our reviewers. Please note, due to space and time limitations, we will be accepting a limited number of individual presentations—we therefore encourage applicants to coordinate on a panel, or submit a poster presentation.

*If your Abstract is not selected for an Individual Presentation, you can have it considered for a Poster

Poster Presentation

A Poster can also be considered for a Data Blitz [Mini-Presentation])

Individuals may submit abstracts for a poster presentation to be presented during concurrent 90-minutes poster sessions. Posters may include new research results as well as theoretical, historical, textual, or other relevant scholarship, as well as a work in progress or study protocols. Descriptions should provide sufficient specificity of content to allow the ISCR Review Committee to adequately evaluate the proposal.

Submission portal information

ISCR submissions are now managed by Conference Manager 2.0, a management application that is also used by other organizations. Due to this shared system, you may already have an existing account. Please review the instructions below carefully so as not to create duplicate user accounts.

If you do not have a user account, please click the button below and create an account. On the landing page, select “create user profile” under the “New Users” heading. After you create your account, you will use your email, and new password to log into the system. These credentials will be required for submitting your work. Once you have created your account, and logged in, you will be taken to your account dashboard. One of the tiles on the dashboard will say Abstract Submission- click the link that says, “Submit Now”.

AAPT Conference CFP (Due 2/12)

CFP: 2024 AAPT Workshop-Conference

Update: the deadline to submit a proposal for the 2024 Workshop-Conference has been extended to February 12.

The AAPT is a collegial community of engaged teacher-scholars, dedicated to sharing ideas, experiences, and advice about teaching philosophy, and to the support and encouragement of both new and experienced philosophy teachers. We are inviting proposals for sessions at the 2024 Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy.


Interactive sessions related to teaching and learning philosophy at any educational level are welcome. We encourage creative approaches to individual or panel workshops on:

  • Innovative and successful teaching strategies, course/assignment design.

  • How work in other disciplines can improve the teaching of philosophy.

  • Innovative uses of instructional technologies.

  • Teaching in non-traditional settings.

  • Methods to improve student learning.

  • Professional issues connected to teaching.

  • Diversity and inclusion in our classrooms and discipline.

This year’s highlighted topic is: Philosophy Amplified

We highly encourage individual or panel presentations on expanding our work to deepen the impact, extend the reach, and demonstrate the value of philosophy…

  • Into new pedagogies: open source, ChatGPT, new genres and styles of text, new voices, alternative assessments, and new ways of organizing classroom activities.

  • Into new academic spaces: building our majors and making interdisciplinary connections.

  • Into new communities: mentoring, experiential learning, public philosophy, K–12 philosophy, and philosophy in prisons.

  • Into the workplace: career competencies, transferable skills, and unexpected careers.

  • Into the unfamiliar!

Proposals should include:

  • Session title.

  • Length of the proposed session: 30 minute session, 60-minute session, 90-minute session.

  • 100-200 word abstract suitable for the conference program.

  • 1-3 page description of session goals and interactive design, planned handouts, etc.

  • A list of relevant sources.

To facilitate anonymous review, no identifying information should appear in the proposal.  Please include contact information for each presenter, including institutional affiliations, in the email or on a separate cover sheet.

Send submissions, via email, to Andrew Mills,, by February 12, 2024.

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