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CFP: 2016 AAR Annual Meeting at San Antonio

SACP Call for Papers
2016 AAR Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
November 19-22, 2016

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy is affiliated with the AAR as the “Related Scholarly Organization,” and we are invited to offer panels at the annual meeting.

Traditionally, the SACP has offered two panels at each annual meeting. I therefore invite you to submit your proposal for this year’s AAR meeting.

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CFP APA Eastern

2017 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association

January 4-7, 2016, Baltimore, MD

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our panels at the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome. Paper abstracts should be 150-200 words in length and complete panel abstracts should include a 150 word introduction to the theme of the panel, complete with panel title, along with 150 word abstracts for each of the papers.  Please include presenter’s name(s), email(s), and institution(s). No simultaneous submissions, please.

Please send these materials no later than May 7th to Sarah Mattice at

2016 Nishan Confucian Studies Summer Institute

The 2016 Nishan Confucian Studies Summer Institute International Program for Teachers of Chinese Culture is an invitation to spend a month reading the Confucian classics world-renowned experts Roger T. Ames, Chenshan Tian and other distinguished comparative philosophy and Confucian scholars at a newly established Confucian academy at the site of Confucius’s birthplace. The first three annual Summer Institutes, held in July 2011, June 2012 and July 2013 (in Beijing), as well as the two short-term workshops July 18-28, 2014 and December 6-12, 2015, were a great success.This has become an annual gathering of the brightest students and teachers from around the world. For one month in the summer of 2016, we will come back again to the birthplace of Confucius, Nishan, and students will again read Chinese classics . Let’s welcome students and teachers interested in Chinese culture to join us for this unique educational and research experience.



Institute Dates: June 13 – July 15, 2016

Application Deadline: March 1, 2016

Location: East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Co-Directors: Roger Ames (University of Hawaii) and Peter Hershock (East-West Center)


This multidisciplinary program will facilitate deep and context-rich engagement with key traditions and primary texts (in translation), enabling participants to appreciate how common Confucian values were given different practical and institutional expression as they were carried from China to Korea, Japan and Vietnam, and as East Asia adopted and adapted the global ideals of modernization and industrialization. Designed to strike a balance between the needs both for breadth an depth in engaging traditions that are culturally and historically distant, the Institute will introduce participants to current scholarship on Confucianism and provide abundant resources for developng course materials for use in a wide range of humanities and social science disciplines.

NEH Stipend.  Participants will receive a total stipend of $3,900 to help meet costs associated with attending the Institute, including travel, subsidized housing in the East-West Center guesthouse, meals, and required Institute texts. A stipend check will be disbursed on the first day of the Institute. Participants accepted into the program are expected to attend all sessions, arriving on June 12, 2016.

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