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ISCR Deadline Extension: Abstract and Submissions NOW DUE SEPTEMBER 26 [Final Extension]

Last chance! The abstracts are coming in fast and furious for the 2023 Inaugural Annual Conference, but we’d still like to encourage our colleagues studying contemplative topics, especially those in the humanities, social sciences and education, to get your presentation proposals in to ensure a well-rounded program.

Hence, we’re extending one last time… until Sept 26th. Don’t miss out on your chance to contribute to this historic, inaugural, interdisciplinary conference of the ISCR in beautiful San Diego!

ISCR banner image


The Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism

Bret W. Davis in conversation with Leah Kalmanson

CFP – 4th Asian Philosophical Texts Conference

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the CFP for the 4th Asian Philosophical Texts Conference, to be held on November 12-13 at the University of Edinburgh, hopefully in person. The deadline for abstract submission is September 15.
Contributions from early- and mid-career scholars are most welcome.

All the best,
Alex Mustatea (Kanda University of International Studies), on behalf of the organizers

This conference aims at providing a platform for scholars in the field of Asian Studies and world philosophies to discuss and reflect on the task of translating Asian philosophical texts (in the broadest sense) into western languages. This includes, but is not limited to, Cambodian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Vietnamese etc., philosophical texts from any period. Any papers on the philosophy of translation, critical analyses of existing translations, or ongoing translation projects are welcome. Contributions from early- and mid-career scholars are welcome.

The conference is part of an ongoing international collaborative project involving the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium and Kanda University of International Studies in Japan, with support from Akita University and the University of Edinburgh.
Dates: November 12-13
Venue: University of Edinburgh
Submission deadline: September 15, 2022

Submission guidelines:
Please submit abstracts or papers to asianphiltexts[at] The abstract should be 300-500 words and the papers must be suitable for a 25–30 minute presentation (no more than 3500 words). All submissions must be in .doc, .docx or .pdf formats and should be prepared for blind review.

Please include in your email the following details: (i) author’s name; (ii) paper title; (iii) word count; (iv) institutional affiliation; and (v) contact information.

If the presentations focus on past or present translation projects, please make sure to send us the pdf of the original (which will be distributed to other presenters before the conference).

Responses to submissions will be sent by September 25, 2022.
Please send any questions to asianphiltexts[at]

A selection of papers presented at the conference will be included in the fifth volume of the Asian Philosophical Texts book series, scheduled for publication in 2023. For more details about the book series, please visit the Mimesis International website (

Pierre Bonneels (Université Libre de Bruxelles, PhD)
Takeshi Morisato (University of Edinburgh)
Alexandra Mustăţea (Kanda University of International Studies)
Roman Pașca (Akita University)

Job Posting: American University

The Department of Philosophy and Religion in the School of College of Arts and Sciences at American University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor beginning August 1, 2023. Applicants should have a PhD or an anticipated PhD completion by August 2023 in the field of philosophy. Depending on qualifications, the appointee to this position may be recommended for tenure at the time of hiring.

Candidates should be effective teachers and must be strongly committed to excellence in scholarly research. We welcome applications from candidates engaged in high-quality scholarship in areas in digital ethics such as data ethics, ethics of AI, machine learning, or social media. Candidates in areas of social justice and equity in continental philosophy (especially pre-modern) with a competence to teach digital ethics are also welcome. An ideal candidate will work in the digital ethics and/or (pre-modern) continental philosophy with sensitivity to the problem of social equity and global inequality in the digital age and the globalized world.

Teaching specialization in digital ethics, social equity, and/or intercultural ethics is preferred, though other areas of philosophy will also be considered. In addition to scholarship and teaching, responsibilities will include participation in department, school and university service.

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CFP: “Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Logic”

Dear SACP friends,

I would like to share this CFP.

CFP: “Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Logic”
will be held during the 3rd World Congress on Logic and Religion in November (4-8.11. 2022) at IIT Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

The aim of this workshop is to explore the philosophical and logical aspects pertaining to religion coming from the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain perspectives. The participants will inquire into how the relations between logic and religion are supported by rational inquiry on religious matters. They will scrupulously examine a wide range of arguments postulated by Indian philosophers, logicians, and theologians. The main themes will center around: the doctrine of karma and the related concepts of suffering, accumulation of merits, and detachment, the belief in an afterlife, rebirth, and/or liberation, the main arguments for the existence and non-existence of a permanent self, and the disputes between the theists and atheists over the existence of the divine realm(s) and God.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Dr. Agnieszka Rostalska

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